The Gentle Practice
The Gentle Practice, and all its offerings, is designed to counteract and overcome the stress of
Healthcare Professionals today. It is a Wellness brand created to cultivate calm presence,
strength and flexibility in a peer-to-peer social environment.
The Gentle Practice provides yoga, fitness and deep stretch classes via Zoom at the convenience of today's busy Healthcare Professionals.
Deanna Cahill has developed the brand's offerings through years of experience leading classes with Doctors, Researchers, Professors and Students at UT Medical Branch.
Live Zoom classes address the real-time physical, mental, emotional and social needs of frontline Healthcare Professionals working in dangerous and sometimes hostile environments.
"The Gentle Practice cultivates Presence. Your experience only goes to a level that you feel is good for you during that moment. It’s a practice that allows you to gauge your own range, while breathing and feeling your own body.” ~Deanna Cahill
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